Pictures of Our Friends & Bonair Wine Around the World
Maybe we can't get a distributor in Oregon, or any other state for that matter, but I'll bet our wine has been in more places than most brands. It has been
taken to the most northern point in Europe, to South Africa, to Tierra del Fuego in South America, the Arctic Circle in North America, to the top of the highest point in North America, Mt.
McKinley, and on a trip to the highest point in the Western Hemisphere, Mt. Aconcogua.
It has even traveled to Antarctica.
It all started in 1989 when Gail took a bottle of Bonair Wine to the then Soviet Union and had his picture taken in front of Lenin's Tomb. Since then, our
friends have taken Bonair Wine to Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America, as well as all over North America. People have taken pictures of themselves, the sights, and Bonair wine. These
pictures are on display in the tasting room and now on the web!

Gail with a bottle of BFD in Red Square in front of Lenin's Tomb. This is the picture that started it all.
Check to see if your picture is here. If it isn't, email
bonairwine and tell him he screwed up. Some people have
sent us multiple pictures of the same place and we have chosen one (the best?) from each unique location. Two people have sent in Great Wall of China pictures, so since they are different
people, we have both. Get the picture.